
こんにちは 0(^_^)0 !~



zaterdag 27 maart 2010

Message to Kiri chan

Dear Kiri chan,

A little message on my blog for you, because you read this even though you don`t understand the language.
So, I wanted to suprise you, and write something you DO understand!

Stay Nyappy, okay?~ ^_^
I will bring something nice for you from Japan, pinky promise!

Bye Bye 愛してる!


2 opmerkingen:

  1. Dear Lou-chan,

    THANK YOU!! ^.^
    I was so surprised when I saw this post as I entered the blog!! I was just so so so so so so so so HAPPY! And very honoured. ^^
    Thank you for caring~ You're always so sweet!*~

    And, I actually understand EVERYTHING that you wrote in this blog.. Well, now I do. ^^ Because I used the google translator. There were some mistakes in the translation, but I could understand everything pretty well. ^^
    Seems like you've ben having an amazing time in Japan!!!

    I'll always stay nyappy!
    Stay Nyappy too!!

    I can't wait to receive your gift~! (^ - ^)
    Yosh!* * *

    愛してる too! And very much!!
    Ja ne~


  2. <3 Glad you liked it!

    And so good you can understand the rest!
    Thanx so much ^^

